
「I mustn't play the game of GO in this month.」(※)とtwitterで発言したところ、「〜 this month」と「〜in this month」の違いが分からないとコメントが。たしかに、よくわからんwというわけでCOUBUILDでさっそく調べてみました。まずはinの定義。期間に関する定義だけ抜粋。

If you do something in a particular period of time, that is how long it takes you to do it.

He walked two hundred and sixty miles in eight days.

例文から察するに、inは期間は期間でもどれくらい時間を費やすか(how long it takes you to do it)に使われるようで・・・冒頭(※)の使い方は間違いの可能性が高いwとなると、during か for が期間を表す前置詞なので・・・duringを調べてみたところ注意書きがありました。

Usage: during
During and for are often confused. During answers the question 'When?': Bats hibernate during the winter. For answers the question 'How long?': Carla talks on the phone to her boy frined for an hour every night.


I mustn't play the game of GO during this month.


If something happens during a period of time or an event, it happens continuously, or happens several times between the beginning and end of that period or event.

Plants need to be looked after and protected during bad weather.


I mustn't play the game of GO for a month.


I mustn't play the game of GO this month.


You use this when you refer to the place your in now or to the present time.

むむむ。期間に関する定義はこれくらい。「今月、囲碁しない!」くらいの意味(今月“中”のニュアンスを含まない言い方)になるんやろねw以上、正しいかどうかは不明(オチはこれかいw)in this monthも使えたりしてw

↓2010/07/09 追記
“in this month”は間違い。

longman にて以下の記述が。

during a period of time: It was amazing how much we managed to do in a day. | the hardest decision I ever made in my life.

Do not use in before 'this', 'last', and 'next' when saying something happens: I got a letter from my sister this morning (NOT in this morning). | I hope to go to Europe next summer (NOT in next summer). You do not normally use in when saying how often something happens during a particular period of time: The group meets four times a week ( NOT four times in a week ). But when you are emphasizing how often something happens, you can use in in front of one: She was late for school four times in one week.

期間は期間でもamazing、emphasizingのときにだけinを使うらしい。ここまで調べりゃin this monthは間違いで確定して問題ないっしょ。